
April 21st - Kliman Sales at PHCC of Alameda Trade Show

April 21, 2009

PHCC of Alameda & Contra Costa

PHCC of Alameda & Contra Costa Counties Trade Show

Tuesday April 21,2009 in Hayward, CA

Kliman Sales will have 8 booths at the show. Our sales team wil be there presenting new products and innovations from our all our manufacturers listed below and more. We look forward to seeing you there!

RWC companies
Kliman Sales
Sloan Valve

Willoughby - The Willy Wagon Tour Has Begun!

February 2, 2009

The Mobile Showroom "Willy Wagon" is on tour and is scheduled to be at Kliman Sales in the next few months.

The Medical Willy Wagon : Mid-May (Dates to be announced)

The Prison/Stadium Willy Wagon : Mid-May (Dates to be announced)

We will keep you updated on the event as the actual date nears.



Stainless Steel Security and Penal Fixtures, Patient Care Units, Solid Surface Washfountains, SS Shower Systems.

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